They Have a Show About That on TV.


We spend much of our time outdoors. Indoors, we spend a lot of our time on creative projects and books. We still spend some time in front of the television, computer or using our gadgets. However, we would like to keep our technology for helping us to do what we do better. I am amused at the number of people that recommend TV shows and apps to interest us in what we are already interested in. If I spend the too much time learning about my interests, I loose time being involved.


Our technology increases our knowledge, skills and inspiration of the world around us. We have the ability to be more creative than ever. Technology has also become an excuse to waste time. We need to do and be active participators in our calling to be successful. Somehow we need to sort out what is beneficial and keep our focus on what it is we want to accomplish. We need to submerge ourselves in the doing more than the learning.

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Spring has sprung. Celebrating life should be at its peak. In our yard, black birds are at the bird feeder. That’s like watching reruns on TV. However, the first hummingbird of the season showed up this morning at the hummingbird feeder. The trees are full of new flowers, leaves, and birds that are making their homes. My ornithologist neighbor has told me which birds to watch for as they migrate through our area. A fox has been seen roaming behind our home. Our cameras are ready.


Will today find you moving forward?

john 072

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